Automate your business processes with eSignatures on Amazon Digital Office.
Digitize contracts, forms, and workflows, streamlining them with instant eSignatures for simplified customer interactions and internal processes.
Send documents for signatures to as many people as you want, create re-usable templates and automate tasks.
Send documents to multiple people for eSignatures. |
Track progress in real time - see who has signed and when. |
Start working smarter and save time for things that really matter. |
Our solution is built to the highest security and compliance standards are core to our principles. We work super hard to protect you and your customers' trust.
The SignTech Amazon Digital Office is the most cost effective eSignature and business automation platform on the market. We guarantee a like-for-like cost reduction on your current eSignature workflow automation solution.
Executive Chairman, Santander Group
Work remotely, send documents and contracts with eSignatures to customers and create better user experience.
Logistics & Procurement Director